What started as a simple purchase of a couple of lights from a neighbour 21 years ago, has now turned into a yearly festive tradition attracting huge crowds especially as Christmas approaches.
The lights go up in the first week of October from there, the Walsh family spend nearly 2 months perfecting their craft. When you arrive you'll see a lot of love and care into the setup. From inflatables lining the driveway to the perfectly lit up roof, the Christmas figurine display in the window and the hidden nativity scene at the back. This family truly epitomize what our community is about. They get no funding for the lights, they simply do it to see the joy on people's face.
Come check them out at 12 Cooper Street, Sunshine from when the sunsets, typically after 7:30pm and you'll likely get to chat to one of the friendly Walsh's too!
Also make sure to vote for them in the Christmas Light Search if you love what they've done

`12 Cooper Street